Please excuse multiple postings:


Digital Audio: Access, Preservation, and Expectations  round table will
be held on September 11, 2009, 9:00 AM in the  Alliance Conference Room.

Discussion topics include, but not limited to:


*         Current audio/digital audio collections in the libraries and
on campuses

*         Vendor-supplied audio collections and open access content

*         Access needs, preferences and functional requirements of tools

*         Preservation choices and expectations

*         Accessing/storing digital audio in the ADR, now and in the


If you would like to attend this round table, RSVP to Rose at
[log in to unmask]


The CO Alliance is located at 3801 E.Florida Ave. Ste #515 just north of
I-25 and Colo. Blvd exit. Off street parking available on Jackson street
west of Florida. 


Rose Nelson

Systems Librarian

Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries

303-759-3399 X103 fax 303-759-3363