

Some sites are still having problems accessing Gold Rush with the site
specific URLs (e.g. http://sel.grstaff.coalliance.org
<http://sel.grstaff.coalliance.org/>  or
http://sel.goldrush.coalliance.org <http://sel.goldrush.coalliance.org/>
).  We thought we had resolved this problem on Friday, but we are
experiencing new problems this morning.  


Please only use the following URLs to access Gold Rush staff or public.
These URLs are much more stable than the former. 


Staff Tool Box: http://grstaff.coalliance.org


Public Site:  http://goldrush.coalliance.org
<http://goldrush.coalliance.org/>  or
<http://goldrush.coalliance.org/index.cfm?inst_code=001_AUR>   (site
specific code on the end of URL)  



Let us know if you have questions.





Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries

303-759-3399 X103, fax 303-759-3399